Bomb-watching in Post-Blitz London | 尋找倫敦大轟炸遺跡

An old map showing bombing sites in Westminster near Big Ben. (Source:

It's really quite remarkable that some 70 years after the end of World War II, we can still find an unexploded bomb in London.  

On Monday workers in south London dug up a 5-foot, 1000-lb bomb at a building site in Bermondsey, not far from the iconic Tower Bridge and Borough Market, likely a gift from the Germans during the London Blitz in 1940.

Between September and November 1940, German forces launched a blanket bombing campaign over Greater London, killing more than 40,000 civilians and destroying over 100,000 buildings. Even the Buckingham Palace didn't escape unscathed (as seen in this archive video from British Pathe).

Have you ever wondered: "Am I living on a WWII bomb site?" Now you can find the answer and trace the trail of the Blitz with this wonderful interactive map from, produced by the University of Portsmouth and the National Archive. It's also available as an Android app for easy exploration around the city.

Let's hope an IOS version will be introduced soon, so more of us can enjoy this fascinating experience!



This map illustrates the concentrated bombing of London and surrounding areas during the Blitz. (Source:


它也有個 Android app,讓探索倫敦歷史更簡單有趣。希望很快也會推出 iPhone app,我也想試試!

Bomb Sight Interactive Map

A dragon statue used to mark the boundaries of the City of London. © Eileen Hsieh